About Us

Having recently taken early retirement, we are both eager to be able to concentrate more on our interest in travelling. Rather than just ‘passing through’ as we have done previously, dictated by tight time scales, this time we're looking to be more involved with the local community, assisting with some of the vital projects in local villages and towns that we come across during our travels.

Using Jan's skills from a life in education and later as a head teacher, alongside Mike's background in construction, we have chosen to go to Africa as it's somewhere we both have a huge affection for.

Basing ourselves in a very under-developed part of Zambia, we are looking forward to being able to help those communities who are in need of many of the things we are lucky to take for granted in the UK. For the next year or two, we'll be living in the heart of the Copperbelt region of Zambia, supporting several community schools to the north of the country. It will not all be work however; when we have time off, we aim to further our knowledge of the region by visiting the neighbouring countries of Southern Africa and enjoying all they have to offer.

1 comment:

Linda said...

Hi mike and jan
What a wonderful challenge and adventure. Just picked this up on Facebook. Will follow your story.
Using your skills and interests there is just fantastic
You rock!!!