Monday 2 March 2015

Kafue National Park

After leaving the town of Mongu in Western Zambia we drove the 250 or so kilometres into Kafue National Park. The road is mainly tarred but has huge sections of really rough bits and huge potholes the size of mine shafts so a lot of care is needed.

Kafue is a very large park, the size of Wales if you come from UK, The size of Belgium if from Europe so take your pick.  The first 3 nights we stayed next to the Kafue River in a campsite and have now moved south down to Kaingu Lodge deep in the southern area.

Wildlife watching is very difficult due to the rainy season, and to paraphrase a line form the song "Oklahoma", "The Grass is as High as an Elephant's Eye" and actually a lot higher in places so wildlife is very difficult to spot. We have been successful though with good sightings of Lion, Buffalo and Elephant on land and the much easier to see hippos and crocodiles on the water . Another problem is that a lot of the tracks are under water so not easy to drive about.
Hopefully a few of the pictures will load.

Star Trails over Kafue Camp

Hippo Charge

Lion on the Prowl


Young Yellow Baboon

Lioness in the long Grass

Buffalo in Longer Grass

Lilac Breasted Roller

Impala Road Block

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