Monday 12 December 2016


Ndola is the third largest city in Zambia after Lusaka, the capital, and Kitwe. Both Kitwe and Ndola are in the Copperbelt province of Zambia. Ndola used to be a very industrial town based on mining and other industries. The mining has almost ceased in this area and most of the copper mines are now found further north around Chingola and Solwezi.

Ndola prides itself on "The Town where it is all Happens" according to the signage that is found everywhere. In fact the most famous person in Ndola (although probably a figment of his own imagination) must be the Great G (Gary) Rutherford as his name is everywhere. His is the boss of an advertising hoarding company as well as the ex President of the Golf Course. As far as most people can fathom the majority of the advertising is of G Rutherford as very few seem to be publicising other companies.

Yes Ain't he a dude!!

This sign was up for most of last year. It was only taken down during the elections

A roundabout with more G Rutherford advertising

Many of Ndola's streets are tree lined and at certain times of the year are awash with blue Jacaranda trees then a few weeks later with bright red or orange Flamboyant or Flame Trees. The town boasts quite a good gold club plus several other clubs that may not do what they say on the tin as the saying goes. We have a Boating and sailing club that at one time had boats but now the lake is way to silted up so you cannot sail there. It is possible to go out on a canoe but that is about it. Now it is more a drinking club for ExPat South African or Brits. The cricket club plays very little cricket and is more a social club for the Indian community. Some years back at the height of the mining in this area and many more exPats around these clubs thrived or so we are told.

Jacaranda Trees in full bloom

The Flame trees come next

Beautiful flame trees surround a billboard

Jan walking in the area of Cherry Farm with beautiful flowers

The Golf Club

We live around 7 Kms outside of Ndola on Cherry Farm (Named after the person who built it not the fruit) It is an old non working farm where most of the land has now reverted back to bush with many birds and reptiles around. Our Landlady, Kaz, has just opened a pub on Friday eves and Saturdays in one of the buildings on the farm so we don't have far to walk. Other places we go to are a couple of restaurants and bars in the town that are quite good although the food is not unto even a mediocre UK standard with the exception of the steaks which are fantastic. We also enjoy the Indian restaurants, of which we have four in Ndola. The food in these is really good. You do have to go in with an open mind though as the menu may say "Chicken Bhuna" or "Rogan Josh" and even "Chicken Tikka Masala" but they taste nothing like those that you may know from the ones in UK. That does not mean they are not as good, far from it, The food is excellent but different.

Cherry Farm with our house between the two you can see

From Cherry Farm looking towards Ndola in the distance

Roads being worked on in the wet season

Jan with "our 3 pets"

Our house and the Cherry Farm staff

When it rains the roads turn to rivers

The original town centre of Ndola has a lot of old "colonial" buildings and still has a bustling market area and many shops. We tend to shop in one of the two new shopping malls (and more being built) Here you find the supermarkets Shoprite and Pick N Pay, both South African chains. They sell most things we want and usually have good stocks although sometimes run out of things. You would hardly tell any different to UK Supermarkets. A while back we were reading about shortages of Marmite in the UK but here we had plenty. Prices are similar to UK with big differences though. Meat, especially beef is fantastic quality and price. Steaks for the Braai (BBQ) are really popular with  Sirloin steak around £6.00 Kg and Fillet even better at around £7.00. Lamb is good but not always available. At the other end cheese is generally poor quality and expensive. Vegetables and fruit tend to be seasonal here.

Inside Kafubu Mall

Kafubu Mall

We even have a fantastic Ice Cream shop

Ndola also has a myriad of small streets where you may well be told about a specific shop or place to go. Emily, a friend who also works for Beyond Ourselves showed us a small shop in someones back garden that sold all manner of Indian spices, snacks and other items. You would never find this shop unless someone took you there but it is amazing, first the aroma as you walk down the drive. The smell of spices is amazing then when you get in you find things like fresh plump sultanas, unlike the stale dried up ones you find elsewhere, shelves of Indian snacks and many other things. Just like an Aladdin's cave and a real gem. There are also several Facebook Pages such as "ExPat Zambia" or "Kitwe, Buy, Swap and sell" which are a mine of information for those new here or not so new to post things.

Also in the Shopping Malls you can find similar shops to those in UK with sports shops, clothes shops and the obvious mobile phone shops.

When the schools are open we partner with 3 in the Copperbelt, one in Ndola and two in Kitwe around one hour's drive north plus we also work with two more here in Ndola. We work with the Heads and the teachers to improve the schools as well as many other things for Beyond Ourselves, The Charity we work with. When not working we will often be socialising around a Braai, either at our home or that of one of the many friends we have made here.

A Music event at Cherry Farm

Relaxing in our new swimming pool, OK at least when it is really hot it cools you down

Enjoying a braai with friends at home

Ndola has an International Airport although the arrivals and departure terminals (World War II Nissen Huts) leave a lot to be desired. Rumours abound that a new airport has been approved on a new site but no idea when that may happen. Also in Ndola and much more modern is a really fantastic new Stadium, mainly for football with many Internationals being played there.

Part of Ndola Airport

Levy Mwanawasa Stadium

Inside the stadium with some of our school kids

We will be off on our drive to Malawi for Christmas by the time many of you read this, A totally new country for both of us. Christmas will be just the two of us this year beside Lake Malawi so it just leaves Jan and I to wish everyone a really fantastic Christmas and a Happy 2017.
Look out for more blogs next year

Mike and Jan

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